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Haven Point Market

Haven Point Market is an online store that sells various themed items and apparel for your mental health journey.

Purchase a collection today and bring some joy into your life. They are used to boost moods, inspire creativity, and more. Well designed and crafted with excellent materials, these products are of high quality.

Buy a gift for yourself or someone close to you to help cope with their mental health journey.

Items purchased help us to create more products and services for you. Thank you for your support!


Market FAQ & Policies


If you see a design that you would like to see on another item (e.g. sticker, pillow, notebook, hat, etc), color, or in another size, let us know. We might be able to accommodate!




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Haven Point, LLC is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associate Program as well as other affiliate programs, which is designed

to provide a means for us to earn a small commission from clicks that result in a purchase. The commission is paid by the retailers, at no cost to you. This commission supports the costs of products and services. Thank you for your support! For more information refer to the Disclaimer section. 

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