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Book Recommendations

Welcome to our curated world of inspiration and knowledge! Explore our diverse collection of book recommendations tailored to five key staples of life: communication, connection, motivation, finances, and spirituality. Whether you seek profound insights, financial wisdom, spiritual growth, or ways to enhance your relationships, our carefully selected books are your gateway to a well-rounded and enriched life. Dive into the books that feed your soul, empower your journey, and illuminate the path to a more connected and purposeful existence. 

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Featured Categories


Focus: Mental Health, Physical Health, Self, Relationships, Emotions, Thoughts


Focus: Marketing, Communication, Relationships, Behaviors, Verbal, Non-verbal


Focus: Motivation, Values, Drive, Goals,

Achievement, Purpose


Focus: Money, Entrepreneurship, Budgeting, Leadership, Goals


Focus: Spirituality, Metaphysical, Soul, Purpose, Manifestation

Haven Point, LLC  is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associate Program and other affiliate and referral programs, which is designed to provide a means for us to earn a small commission from clicks that result in a purchase. The commission is paid by the retailers at no cost to you. This commission supports the costs of products and services. Thank you for your support! For more information, refer to the Disclaimer section. Affiliate  and Referral links are designated with a * symbol

Body Keeps Score

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UnFu*k Yourself

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I Will Teach You to Be Rich

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The Alchemist


The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work

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The Coach Habit 

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Everything is Figureoutable


Rich as F*ck

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You Can't Lie to Me

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The 5-Second Rule


Start with Why


Becoming Supernatural


Atlas of the Heart


The Universe Has Your Back


Atomic Habits


Psychology of Money

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Spirituality for Badasses

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Smart Sex

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The Laws of Human Nature

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7 Habits of Highly Effective People

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The Last Law of Attraction 

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